Zagreb to Dubrovnik Bus Schedule & Fare

Going to Dubrovnik from Zagreb or the other way around? You’re on the right page. This is the updated bus schedule from Zagreb to Dubrovnik and Dubrovnik to Zagreb for your reference.

There are numerous daily bus trips available year-round from Zagreb to Dubrovnik. During the summer season, additional departure times are offered to accommodate the higher demand. The travel time for this approximately 600 km long route is estimated to be around 10 to 12 hours. Most buses follow the Croatian highway and typically include one or two breaks along the route where passengers can purchase drinks and food. Below, you can find the bus departure schedule between these two cities.

Zagreb to Dubrovnik Bus Schedule & Fare
Dubrovnik, Croatia

While we strive to provide up-to-date information on our blog, it’s important to note that schedules for the Zagreb to Dubrovnik route may occasionally change without prior notice. To ensure the most accurate and current schedule, we recommend clicking here to access the latest information and booking platform for this route. This will enable you to check the updated schedule and conveniently book your ticket for a smooth and hassle-free journey.

Zagreb to Dubrovnik Bus Schedule

Dubrovnik to Zagreb Bus Schedule

Passenger Fare & Travel Time

The travel time between Zagreb and Dubrovnik is between 10-12 hours depending on the bus trip you take. The fare starts at €30 and can go up to €50+ depending on your travel time and date. It is highly recommended to book tickets in advance to avoid missing a seat on your preferred travel date, especially during peak season.

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