Oak Bluffs to Nantucket Ferry Schedule & Fare

If you are going to Nantucket from Oak Bluffs or the other way around, this is the updated Oak Bluffs to Nantucket and Nantucket Oak Bluffs ferry schedule and fare. This route is operated by Hy-Line Cruises.

Looking to enhance your vacation plans with an extended stay on either Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard, but also longing for a quick getaway to the other island? Look no further than the Inter-Island ferry service, designed to make your “island hopping” dreams a reality, whether for a day trip or an overnight adventure!

Both Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard offer distinct and unforgettable experiences, ensuring that your island vacation will be filled with delightful sightseeing opportunities, leisurely bicycle rides through picturesque landscapes, enjoyable shopping excursions, immersive art experiences, and indulging in mouthwatering local cuisine.

With the Inter-Island ferry service at your disposal, you have the flexibility to effortlessly travel between these two captivating islands, seamlessly adding variety and exploration to your vacation itinerary. So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey as you uncover the unique charms of both Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

The ferry schedule listed below is last updated on 15 June 2023.


While we strive to provide up-to-date information on our blog, it’s important to note that schedules for the Oak Bluffs to Nantucket route may occasionally change without prior notice. To ensure the most accurate and current schedule, we recommend clicking here to access the latest information and booking platform for this route. This will enable you to check the updated schedule and conveniently book your ticket for a smooth and hassle-free journey.

Oak Bluffs to Nantucket Ferry

  • 09:05
  • 12:05
  • 15:50

Nantucket Oak Bluffs Ferry

  • 10:30
  • 13:40
  • 17:15

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Passenger Fare

The return fare between Oak Bluffs and Nantucket is USD79.

Travel Time

The travel time between Oak Bluffs and Nantucket is around an hour.

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