New York to Boston v.v. Bus Schedule & Fare

Traveling to Boston from New York or the other way around? This is an updated list of bus schedules between New York and Boston from different bus companies such as Flixbus, Greyhound, Peter Pan, and Go Buses.


Departures from New York

Departure TimeBus Company
4:30 AMFlixBus
5:00 AMGreyhound
7:00 AMPeter Pan
7:00 AMFlixBus
7:00 AMGreyhound
8:15 AMFlixBus
8:30 AMGreyhound
9:00 AMGo Buses
9:00 AMPeter Pan
9:30 AMGreyhound
10:00 AMGreyhound
10:15 AMFlixBus
12:00 PMPeter Pan
12:01 PMGreyhound
1:30 PMPeter Pan
2:00 PMGreyhound
2:10 PMFlixBus
3:00 PMPeter Pan
3:45 PMFlixBus
4:30 PMGreyhound
4:40 PMGreyhound
4:45 PMFlixBus
5:00 PMGo Buses
5:00 PMPeter Pan
5:05 PMGreyhound
6:00 PMPeter Pan
6:40 PMGreyhound
7:00 PMPeter Pan
8:30 PMPeter Pan

Departures from Boston

Departure TimeBus Company
7:00 AMFlixBus
7:00 AMGreyhound
7:00 AMPeter Pan
7:30 AMFlixBus
8:30 AMPeter Pan
8:30 AMFlixBus
8:30 AMGo Buses
9:00 AMGreyhound
9:00 AMPeter Pan
9:00 AMGo Buses
9:30 AMFlixBus
10:00 AMPeter Pan
10:00 AMFlixBus
10:15 AMGreyhound
10:45 AMGreyhound
12:30 PMPeter Pan
1:15 PMGreyhound
2:00 PMPeter Pan
2:00 PMFlixBus
2:00 PMGreyhound
3:00 PMFlixBus
3:30 PMFlixBus
3:30 PMPeter Pan
4:45 PMGreyhound
4:40 PMGreyhound
5:00 PMGreyhound
5:00 PMPeter Pan
5:00 PMGo Buses
5:30 PMGo Buses
6:00 PMFlixBus
6:00 PMPeter Pan
6:00 PMGreyhound
8:00 PMFlixBus
8:30 PMFlixBus
8:30 PMPeter Pan

Travel Time

The travel time between New York and Boston is around 4-5 hours depending on the bus company that you choose.

Bus Fare

The bus fare for the New York – Boston route ranges from $27 to $52 depending on the bus company.

Please take note that the bus schedule may change without prior notice so it is better to always verify the schedule here.

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